Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Criminal Justice System A Diverse System Used Around...

The criminal justice system is a diverse system used around the globe. When in consideration of what the definition of the Criminal Justice system which is a law enforcement that is directly involved in apprehending, prosecuting, defending, sentencing, and punishing those who are suspected or convicted of criminal offenses (criminal justice system: definition of criminal justice system in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US), n.d.). Here have been many historical events that have led up to today’s way of handling the criminal trends. So many factors come into play. In order to control or make order of society you need laws and guidelines within the country and as well amongst the international countries. Internationally the criminal justice system is very complex; you have other countries religion, economy, social and humanity issues as well as jurisdiction issues. There have been many politically personal that have evaluated the past, current and future trends in crime globally. They have written books, papers and blogs on the internet as well with their thoughts and ideas along with the documented information for their thoughts. As the article â€Å"Preparing for the Future: Criminal Justice in 2040† that Nancy Ritter prepared states that Chris Stone shares his prediction of the global trends. Ritters article she states that â€Å"Chris Stone predicts that global trends will play a significant role in how criminal justice is delivered throughout the world in 2040. StoneShow MoreRelatedMental Health Incidents Have Effected Policing1439 Words   |  6 Pages1961 the Joint Commission on Mental Health called for the deinstitutionalization of Canada’s mental health system and a switch to community based mental health service (government). In 1963, the Canadian Mental Health Association released More for the Mind, a landmark policy document presenting 57 recommendations that would be used in the restructuring of the Canadian mental hea lth care system (Ontario). 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